Maija Tammi: White Rabbit Fever
Open to the public:
October 9, 2019 – November 17, 2019.
Tuesday - Sunday 12:00 – 19:00.
Closed on Mondays and public holidays.
Organizers: Judit Flóra Schuller, Imre Kiss
‘Is it so, that everything with a beginning must have an ending?’
Our existence is limited, or more precisely, framed by time. Death is a primary experience embedded in life itself. Maija Tammi investigates different approaches towards death and sickness through a scientific, yet poetic and abstract visual manner. White Rabbit Fever is a term created by the artist that refers to an imaginary illness, the archetype of a disease. In her series, the artist questions our relation to epidemics, diseases and death itself by showing them in a naturalistic way. The core of the work orbits around two timelines: the first reveals the decay and eventual disappearance of a rabbit, and the other shows the growth of immortal human cell lines that have outlived or will outlive the patients from whom they were extracted. Through the different layers of White Rabbit Fever, Maija Tammi makes us look at time through the perspective of life and death.
Maija Tammi (b. 1985 ) is a Finnish artist and Doctor of Arts, based in Helsinki, Finland. Tammi’s photographs, sculptures and video installations examine the borders of disgust and fascination, science and aesthetics. In her practice, Tammi is interested in the physical and abstract places where seeing approaches a limit.